Glimpses of College Fair


College Fair- Celebrating the 10th Anniversary (2009-2010)

Royal Thimphu College celebrated a decade of inspiring education in Bhutan on 31st October 2018. It is one of the private colleges in Bhutan.  RTC fair will have a variety of exciting events for all: different stalls representing all the academic programmes, entertainment, food stalls, amusing games photo exhibition, cultural show. It was started from 10 and ends by 2.Royal Thimphu College has also send an invitation to the Alumni in order to be connected with college.

Photo Courtesy: Royal Thimphu College


The day seems to be really interesting that everyone was enjoying with a varieties of stalls. Students are coordinated by some lectures for their stalls. Stalls are located in the different corner of Royal Thimphu College.  Most of the stalls are home-made and it was really joyful. In order to visit stalls they have buy coupon, so that they can have whatever they needed.

Photo Courtesy: Royal Thimphu College

There are different types of stalls which were owned by different groups of students. They used to divide the member for morning shift and afternoon shift so that everyone will get a chance to see and enjoy the stalls. For instance, some group of people they coordinated for the Alumni registration, some are doing Face book live. There are more groups who coordinated different types of stalls.

Photo Courtesy: Royal Thimphu College


All the students and lectures, they have really enjoyed the day and even there are some foreigners who visited fade day at Royal Thimphu College. College fair ends with a successfully without creating any problems.

Photo Courtesy: Royal Thimphu College

Tsunami in Indonesia

Recently, Natural Calamities occurred in Indonesia A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi Province on Sept. 28, 2018, triggering a tsunami and landslides that caused widespread destruction and loss of life.More than 2,000 people are known to have died and at least 2,500 are seriously injured, according to the Indonesia disaster management agency. About 1.5 million people in Central Sulawesi are likely affected. With about 65,000 houses damaged or destroyed, more than 330,000 people are homeless or without adequate shelter.

The Central Sulawesi quake occurred less than two months after a series of earthquake struck Indonesia’s Lombok Island. The strongest of those quakes was a magnitude 6.9 temblor on Aug. 5. More than 500 people were killed and nearly 1,500 were injured. About 340,000 people are still displaced.

Photo Courtesy: Indonesia

Earthquake are a common occurrence, rumbling below Earth’s surface thousands of times every day. It is also one of the prone in Bhutan to occur Earthquake. So in order to be safe from such natural calamities, there are some certain precaution method before, during and After the Earthquake.

Before Earthquake:

  • Potential earthquake hazards in the home and workplace should be removed and corrected. Top-heavy furniture and objects, such as book cases and storage cabinets, should be fastened to the wall and the largest and heaviest objects placed on lower shelves.
  • Supplies of food and water, flashlight, a first-aid kit and a battery-operated radio should be set aside for use in emergencies.
  • One or more family members should have a working knowledge of first-aid measures because medical facilities nearly are always overloaded during an emergency or disaster, or may, themselves, be damaged beyond use.
  • All family members should know what to do to avoid injury and panic. They should know how to turn off the electricity, water and gas. They should know the locations of the main switch valves. This is particularly important for teenagers who are likely to be alone with smaller children.

During Earthquake:

  • The most important thing to do during an earthquake is to remain CALM. If you can do so then you are less likely to be injured. Also, those around you will have a greater tendency to be clam if you are calm.
  • Make no moves or take no action without thinking about the possible consequences.
  • If you are inside stay there. Stand in a doorway or crouch under a desk or table, away from windows or glass fixtures.
  • If you are outside, stay there. Stay away from objects such as light poles, buildings, trees and telephone and electric wires, which could fall and injure you.

After Earthquake:

  • After an earthquake the most important thing to do is to check for injuries in your family and in the neighborhoods. Seriously injured persons should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
  • Evacuate the building as soon as the shaking stops.. If you see anything other than minor cracks do no re-enter the building until it has been inspected for safety by a professional.
  • Check for safety-hazards – gas, water sewage breaks
  • Wear shoes and protective clothing, for example, hard hats and gloves, to avoid injuries while clearing debris.
  • Keep battery-operated radios and listen for emergency bulletins.
  • Co-operate with all public safety and relief organizations. Do not go into damaged areas unless authorized by appropriate personnel.

Kabji Hokatsho(Lake)

Let me take you to this beautiful lake located around 90 km from Thimphu, and falls under the Punakha Dzongkhag. Called, Hokatsho, this lake is located under Kabji Gewog at an altitude of about 2000m. After one reaches Punakha, they need to further cover a distance of 9 km to reach the lake. There is no proper road that leads to the lake. For those who love to trek through the hilly roads will enjoy it, as the walk takes up to two and half hours from a place called Chortennibu.

Photo Courtesy: Hokatsho, Punakha

Chortennibu is also the residence of Trulku Gyalsey Tenzin Rabgye.
In order to visit Hokatsho one needs to hike along the concrete irrigation water channel. This creek runs all the way till Hokatsho Lake. People generally trek along the irrigation channel so that they do not get lost.

The lake is scenic and also gives you a sense of peace and calm, with its thick vegetation. As you reach it, the valley looks picturesque, along with the rising thin fog, coming in from the greenish-blue lake.


Photo Courtesy: Chortennibu, Punakha


Best Season to visit the lake.

It is said that this lake can be visited during any reason. However, in summer, it could be less adventurous.

However, if we visit during summer season, trekking seems to be boring too since on the way while we walk, we will faced many obstacles while trekking to Hokatsho like when we walk across irrational channel,it seems to be slippery. So there are high chances of slipping from the irrational channel. So those people who stay near lake, they say that, the best season to visit Hohatsho would be during winter. I also agreed with this point since I have also visited several times during summer season

Photo Courtesy: Hokatsho, Punakha


If we visit during winter, lake also seems to be a beautiful surrounded with green grass and even we can be able to circulate the lake.  Even we will not face such obstacles like summer. The lake called ‘HOKATSHO’ is such a beautiful scenario lake even many tourists are used to visit. Not only tourist but Bhutanese director they used to shoot movie. There are several movies that they shot at that place.


























Beauty of Nature

“I declare this world is so beautiful that i can hardly believe it exist”. The beauty of nature can have a profound effect upon our senses,those gateways from the outer world to the inner, whether it results in disbelieve in its very existence as Emerson notes, or feeling such as awe,wonder, or amazement.


Bhutan is a stunningly beautiful. Fascinating fog covered hills, ornate valleys decorated with Bhutanese prayer flogs, princely fortress, and airy chats from the faraway monasteries and the enchanting lure of Bhutan.


The green wild and white snow realms of Bhutan’s far flung remote regions and like no other in the world. The unspoiled landscape that shelter marvelous wildlife stretch to the ends of the eastern Himalayas.
